New Year’s Eve Party & Candlelight Meeting

First Church of God 1125 Montgomery Dr, Charleston, IL

All That Glitters Is Gold - 2025 New Year's Party Hosted by Charleston & Mattoon AA Groups Dance Floor Photo Booth Hot Cocoa / Coffee Bar Appetizers Please bring a dish to share if you can Doors open at 6:30 pm 7pm: Sobriety Countdown followed by a Speaker Panel 11pm Candlelight AA Countdown Meeting

Area Delegate’s Roundtable – 1st Tradition (ZOOM)

For this first month's meeting, there will be a presentation/discussion of Tradition One by Mike F., past Delegate (A38/P53) and outgoing A21/P73 Chair. Following this, since it is the kick-off meeting for the year, the Delegate thought it would be a good opportunity to have a sharing session with all of you on your hopes, […]

A Better Way Speaker Mtg. & Breakfast

Henson Place 8 Henson Place #4, Champaign, IL

Speaker: Josh D. Potluck after the meeting; bring a dish to share if you can!

Women’s Study Group Traditions Mtg. & Potluck (Hybrid)

Grace Lutheran Church 313 S Prospect, Champaign

Reading and sharing on Traditions 1, 2, 3 from the 12 & 12. Bring a dish to share, if you can. Potluck begins at 12:15 and continues during the meeting (begins at 12:30) ZOOM info: MEETING ID: 564 615 0517; password: BigBook (touchtone phone: 812571) at 12:15 CST or click on URL link below. Touch […]

51st Annual East Central Regional Conference of Delegates Past & Present

Holiday Inn & Conference Center Champaign 101 Trade Center Drive, Champaign, IL

This conference is an opportunity for the 14 GSC delegates of the East Central Region to prepare to participate in the GSC held in New York in April. Conference Registration: $40 Friday Night Ice Cream Social: $15 Saturday Dinner Banquet (reserve by Jan. 30 2025): $45 Saturday & Sunday Breakfast Buffet: $20 per day (pre […]


Better Way Valentines Day Speaker Mtg & Potluck

Henson Place 8 Henson Place #4, Champaign, IL

Chris G. and Sarah H. will share on Love and Tolerance Continental breakfast provided, but bring a dish to share if you can!