Archives Committee

The mission of the District 12 A.A. Archives Committee is to collect, preserve, and protect a variety of original material containing information of permanent historical value relating to the history of Alcoholics Anonymous in East Central Illinois District 12.

Archives and History at A.A.’s General Service Office

Types of archival materials are:

District 12 meeting schedules
District 12 group flyers, audio recordings, and records
AA Literature belonging to District 12 longtimers or Groups with Inscriptions.
Grapevine Magazine to complete one full set for District 12 Archives.

All materials are cared for to the best of our ability. If you are considering a donation of archival materials, we would be happy to explain how we store and protect the items.

If you have an interest in A.A. history and have some spare time to help or would like to donate materials to the District 12 Archives please email the Archives Committee at or use the form below.