The District 12 Answering Service Committee helps carry A.A.’s message by coordinating A.A. volunteers to give newcomers rides to meetings and to make 12th Step Calls to those with a desire to stop drinking.
If you want an A.A. member to speak with you about stopping drinking or you are a newcomer who needs a ride to an A.A. meeting call the District A.A. HOTLINE at 217-373-4200.
If you are an A.A. member and wish to volunteer for hotline service by being available to give a newcomer a ride to a meeting, to a detox or treatment center or making 12th Step Calls by phone or in person within the District, you must meet the following requirements:
To make 12th Step Calls. you must have at least 1 year of continuous sobriety and have worked the 12 Steps of A.A.
To volunteer, please email the Committee Chair at or use the form below.