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Women’s Study Group Traditions Mtg. & Potluck (Hybrid)

January 26 @ 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM CST

Reading and sharing on Traditions 1, 2, 3 from the 12 & 12.

Bring a dish to share, if you can.
Potluck begins at 12:15 and continues during the meeting (begins at 12:30)

ZOOM info:
MEETING ID: 564 615 0517; password: BigBook (touchtone phone: 812571) at 12:15 CST
or click on URL link below.
Touch tone phone: dial +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) and enter Zoom ID and Passcode (812571) when prompted.


January 26
12:15 PM - 1:30 PM CST


Women’s Study Group
View Organizer Website


Grace Lutheran Church
313 S Prospect
Champaign, 61820 United States
+ Google Map